Pouya Foudeh


fpouya2 a--t live.utm.my




Born in Esfahan

Elementary school: Musasadr, Tehran, start  1982

High school: Razi High school , Tehran, start 1987

Married since 2004




Ph.D.  in Computer Science

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)

Research Topic: Storing and Reasoning with Large Probabilistic Ontologies in Relational Databases

Supervisor: Professor. Dr. Naomie Salim

start 2009


M.Sc. in Computer Engineering (Software Engineering)

Islamic Azad University of Najafabad, Isfahan, Iran

Thesis Title: The Application of Mobile Agents in Electronic Trading

Supervisor: Assoc Prof. Dr. Mohamad A. Nematbakhsh

start 2001


B.Sc. in Computer Engineering (Software)

Islamic Azad University of Najafabad, Isfahan, Iran

start 1994




Scientific Papers


·  Pouya Foudeh, Aida Khorshidtalab, and Naomie Salim. “A probabilistic data-driven method for human activity recognition.” Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments 10, no. 5 (2018): 327-343. doi: 10.3233/AIS-180496


·  Pouya Foudeh, Aida Khorshidtalab, and Naomie Salim. “Testing and analysis of the proposed data driven method on the opportunity human activity dataset.” In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Communication and Information, pp. 6-10. ACM, Nanyang University, Singapore. 2016. doi: 10.1145/3018009.3018011


· Pouya Foudeh and Naomie Salim. “A Holistic Approach to Duplicate Publication and Plagiarism Detection Using Probabilistic Ontologies.” In International Conference on Advanced Machine Learning Technologies and Applications, pp. 566-574. Cairo, Egypt. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-35326-0_56


·  Pouya Foudeh, and Naomie Salim. “Probabilistic ontologies and probabilistic ontology learning: Significance and challenges.” In Research and Innovation in Information Systems (ICRIIS), 2011 International Conference on, pp. 1-4. IEEE, 2011. doi: 10.1109/ICRIIS.2011.6125727


·  Pouya Foudeh, Naomie Salim “Information Extraction from Handwritten Medical Records and Assigning ICD-10 Codes”, proceeding of International Workshop of Extraction of Structured Information from Texts in the Biomedical Domain ESIT-BioMed 2010 ISBN:978-983-41371-3-7 associated with the 18th International Conference On Conceptual Structures ICCS'10, Kuching, Malaysia, July 2010.  Read - Conference Website


·  Pouya Foudeh, “Examining Efficiency of Information Retrieval methods for Plagiarism Detection in present and future”, E-Journal of Iranian Research Institute for Scientific Information and Documentation. Vol. 9, No. 3, Nov 2008.


·  Pouya Foudeh, Mohammad Ali Nemtbakhsh, Naser Nematbakhsh, “Design of the Electronic Market using Mobile Agents”,  peoceeding of National Electrical Engineering Conference NEEC’08, Najafabad, Iran, March 2008.


·  Pouya Foudeh, “Application of Mobile Agents in E-Commerce”, proceeding of 3th Conference of Modern Technologies NTC’06, Islamic Azad University, Tehran South, May 2006.


·  Pouya Foudeh, “What is SET?”, Abrar-Economic newspaper, of 10, 15 and 16 Feb 2003. Printed in three editions.




·  Database in Depth, Relational Theory for Practitioners

Author: C.J. Date,   Persian Translation: Pouya Foudeh,   Publisher: Mehregan Ghalam, Tehran, 2008  ISBN: 978-600-90567-4-3



Academic Profiles


Grants and Awards


Participation in Research Projects


·  Ontology Extraction Tool for Quran and Hadith using Fuzzy-Swarm Algorithms (01-01-06-SF0539) Funding Organism: Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation Malaysia Research Coordinator: Professor Dr Naomie Salim Participation Period: July 2009 - December 2010




·  Islamic Innovation Expo 2010 (i-Inova'10) Gold Medal for participating in developing: Ontology Extraction Tool for Quran and Hadith and Islamic Sources using Fuzzy-Swarm Algorithms awarded by: Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia and Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia




Professional Associations


·   ACM

   Professional Member, Membership No. 6344428


·   IEEE

   Associate Member, Membership No. 90425319


Research Interests


·     Knowledge bases and Information Retrieval

     -Ontology Engineering

     -Probabilistic Databases

     -Relational Model

·    Human Activity Recognition

·    E-Commerce Systems


Career Summary


Teaching Experiences (2005-2008, 2018-now)


I have served as a lecturer at Islamic Azad University of Rudehen, Islamic Azad University of Karaj and Islamic Azad University of Damavand. I have given lectures on several topics for undergraduate students of computer science, mainly mentioned as follows:


·       Principles of Databases

·       Digital Design, Computer Architecture, Microprocessors and Machine and Assembly language

·       Computer Networks

·       Programming  Networks

·       Introduction to Programming



Managing Director of Abarkkia Rayaneh LTD (2002-2008)


I have been working for this company and several software projects have been concluded under my supervision. The most important ones are:


·    Gishe website

The 1st online ticket selling system in Iran, cooperation with City Theatre of Tehran (6 halls) Various publications including Hamshahri newspaper, Iran newspaper, Mehr News Agency, Asr Ertebat weekly and Donyai Tasvir monthly have mentioned the activities of this website.


·    Tootia, pharmacy software

The 2nd pharmacy software that have confirmed by Ministry of Health of Iran.  Totia is being used in hundreds of pharmacies including several major pharmacies in Iran.


Data Administrator of Azadi Psychiatric Hospital  (1998-2015)